5 Ways To Contribute On National Foster a Pet Month

Fostering animal is all about saving lives. The foster parents voluntarily brings a pet at their home temporarily until they get a new home and that’s such a noble deed because they give a better life to an animal as compared to the shelter homes. Therefore, to create awareness and encourage more people to foster pets, June is celebrated as Foster a Pet Month. Fostering a pet is not as difficult as most people think, besides there are other important things that you can do to spread awareness and contribute in the National Foster a Pet Month.
1. Foster a Pet
All you need to do is visit a shelter home or rescue group and foster a pet. This is how you can directly contribute in Foster a Pet Month. You can be the first one to teach your pet some basic house manners so that the it can be easy for a pet to get adopted. Besides, fostering is temporary so it will not take much of your time and if you already have a pet and when they comes in contact with another animal, they may learn to have a partner and share stuff and have a playmate. And, fostering a pet makes you feel good as you’re saving a life.
2. Volunteer
Foster a pet month comes with many events so to help the shelters get some ease you can volunteer your services. Just call the local shelter and ask them what they need and how you can help them. It could be anything that includes managing the public at the event, help socializing the cats or help walking the dog. If you run out if time to volunteer at a shelter home then you can also provide pet care supplies that an organization needs.
3. Social Media Shoutout
Well, fostering a pet or volunteering at shelter homes or rescue groups are not the only ways. You can have another easier option to contribute in Foster a Pet Month by posting about your pet that has changed your life. You can also share things from the local shelter including foster requests and adoptable animals. You can also raise awareness about homeless animals that are just waiting to be adopted.
4. Reach Out to the Local Shelter
The easiest way to be a part of Foster a Pet Month is to support your local animal shelter. All you need to do is just follow them on social media platforms they’re present on. You can also share their articles or posts on social media or call shelter homes to know how you can help connect homeless pets to the pet parents looking to adopt a pet, Moreover, you can also donate to a shelter home either monetary or by giving out the things they require for pets.
5. Spread Awareness
This is the best and easiest way to contribute in Foster a Pet Month. You can spread awareness by sharing information about animal issues. You can also strike a conversation regarding the same on social media or with the people in your neighborhood. You can distribute flyers at local pet owner hotspots or through social media. Moreover, you can even host Q&A hour at your local shelter or library regarding fostering a pet.
Fostering a pet is more than just having a pet temporarily at your home; you end up giving permanent happiness to the pet when he is adopted. So, make sure to encourage everyone save the life of animals by fostering, adopting and volunteering in this Foster a Pet Month.

David joined CanadaVetCare in 2013 as a product analyst and veterinary assistant. Being a passionate pet lover and keen animal health researcher, David had always found ways and solutions to help pet parents to improve their pets’ health. He is always happy to answer pet health-related queries and recommending pet parents for the right pet product for their furry companions.