Fun Things to Do With Your Pet This Christmas

The Christmas season is always special as you get to spend time and celebrate with your family as well as loved ones. It gets more special when you include your furry babies into all your celebrations. There are so many fun things you can do with your pal this Christmas. We’ve jotted down a few, so take your pick and involve your pet to double the joy because ‘tis the season to be jolly, right?
Things to Do With Your Pet on Christmas
The following are fun activities which you can do with your furry pal to involve him this Christmas season. Make sure to at least do one of them. Promise?
#1. A Walk Down the Lighted Up Streets
Christmas is a season when people decorate their houses with beautiful Christmas trees and lights. The atmosphere makes you feel alive and refreshed. No matter how cold the weather gets, you feel warm and happy from inside. This is the perfect time to take your pal on a nice walk down the streets and enjoy all the beautiful decorated lights. Make sure to cover his fur and paws with necessary pieces of equipment before stepping out in the cold.
#2. Bake Tasty Christmas Treats
Treats are a way to a pet’s heart. They love their treats as much as they love you. This Christmas make sure you bake some delicious Christmas treats for yourself as well as for your pal. While you bake, you can get your pal to sit next to you to create a stronger bond. Once the treat is ready to be consumed, you can share it with them and have a great time. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?
#3. Sing Christmas Carols
If you’re too skeptical to hop outside in the cold to sing Christmas carols, you can do it at home in good company with your beloved pet. You can even call your neighbours to join in with you and your family with your furry pal alongside. Dogs love listening to music and the Christmas carolling will surely excite him.
#4. Wrap and Unwrap Christmas Presents Together
Wrapping and unwrapping Christmas presents can be a tedious task. But having your cute little pet beside you while you wrap or unwrap presents can completely change your feeling and mood. Their heads move sideways at a slow pace when you make noises during wrapping or unwrapping. This very moment is a sight worth watching.
#5. Christmas Photos with Your Pal Is a Must
Christmas is in the air and you’ve not clicked a single picture with your pet. That doesn’t right, doesn’t it? Well, capture the beautiful moments with your pal so that when you look back in time, you’ll have the photos to refresh your memories. Hence, a Christmas photo with your buddy is a must including a nice family photo.
#6. Dress Your Pal Up
Make your beloved buddy feel like it’s a special occasion. So purchase a nice Christmas dress for your pal along with shoes (if you feel so) and a Santa Claus cap. Dress him up and let him flaunt his new look around the house and neighborhood.
The above six points are ways in which a pet parent can involve their furry friend during Christmas celebrations. Make sure you to give some of these ideas a try this Christmas so that your pal does not feel left out. We hope that you and your buddy have a great Christmas!

David joined CanadaVetCare in 2013 as a product analyst and veterinary assistant. Being a passionate pet lover and keen animal health researcher, David had always found ways and solutions to help pet parents to improve their pets’ health. He is always happy to answer pet health-related queries and recommending pet parents for the right pet product for their furry companions.