How To Treat And Protect Your Pooch From Fleas
Puppies are naive, delicate and warm. They are our biggest stress-busters and make for a great companion to us and our kids. But do you know they play a perfect host for parasites as well? These poor munchkins have enough body moisture that attracts fleas easily to take blood meals. Thus they make for an ideal host for these nasty parasites to develop and thrive on their fragile body. Since pups are more vulnerable to flea-infestation, they are at a greater risk of developing health complications too. Even a mild infestation can lead to issues like anemia, allergies, bacterial infections and respiratory problems in our tiny furry friends. However, through proper preventive care and treatment measures, a pet owner can combat these pesky creatures way smartly. You just need to be extra alert, extra aware that the anti-flea treatment for small puppies is not the same that provide to the adult dogs. Furthermore, you need to keep a regular check for even the slightest signs of flea-infestation as the severity may lead to death in young ones.
How To Spot Fleas In Puppies
Run a flea comb on the body of your pup. Although adult fleas are visible on the pet’s body, running a comb helps to remove the fleas tangled inside the fur of your pooch and also eliminates the debris i.e. flea-dirt. A flea-infested pup shows symptoms like excessive itching, biting, and hot spots that are caused due to an allergic reaction towards flea-saliva. Pale gums, lethargy, and loss of appetite are other more fatal symptoms of heavy flea-infestation to look for. Take a professional aid immediately, if you see such signs.
Treating The Pups Of Fleas
Alleviating flea-infestation in a pup’s body is a little tricky. Their internal organs are so delicate that they cannot be administered heavy doses of flea treating tablets that are usually given to normal grown-up dogs. Thus one must look for a formula that has been specifically designed for the age of your puppy. For instance, if your puppy is 7 weeks old then you can easily administer Capstar or chose a topical treatment like Advantage or Frontline Plus for dogs that are older than 8 weeks.
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Other methods that help reduce the infection include:
- Bathing your puppy with flea-shampoo which will help reduce skin irritations and mitigate dermatitis.
- Keep him away from the infected animals and beddings.
- Use flea repelling collars designed for puppies.
- Treat your surroundings.
Do you know only a quarter of fleas are present on the body of the host? Other 95% are found in the beddings, furniture, upholstery, carpets, and yards. A pet infested with fleas sheds them everywhere. Most of the flea eggs and larvae lurk in the surroundings instead of the host body. And, they mostly survive without blood for 2 weeks. Moreover, the pupa or cocoon stage can even lay inactive up to 6 months in the environment. Thus, adapting excessive cleaning methods is the only way out to prevent the flea infestation through surroundings. Vacuum your households regularly and wash your and your pet’s bedding with warm water. Make sure to keep the grass in the yard short to prevent these parasites.
Choose products that have Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) for they prevent the eggs, larvae, and pupa from maturing into adult fleas.
To save your puppy from this menace you need to be on your toes. Maintain an intense care schedule and give them the right treatment to help them stay happy and lively for we all love Pups and the innocence they bring along!
David joined CanadaVetCare in 2013 as a product analyst and veterinary assistant. Being a passionate pet lover and keen animal health researcher, David had always found ways and solutions to help pet parents to improve their pets’ health. He is always happy to answer pet health-related queries and recommending pet parents for the right pet product for their furry companions.